Source code for

import argparse

[docs]def load_args(args_dict): """ Convert a dictionary into an argparse.Namespace object. Args: args_dict (dict): Dictionary of arguments to be converted. Returns: argparse.Namespace: Namespace object with the arguments. """ args = argparse.Namespace() for key, value in args_dict.items(): setattr(args, key, value) return args
[docs]def merge_args(args_1, args_2): """ Merge two argparse.Namespace objects. Arguments from args_2 have higher priority. Args: args_1 (argparse.Namespace): First namespace object. args_2 (argparse.Namespace): Second namespace object. Returns: argparse.Namespace: Merged namespace object. """ args = argparse.Namespace() for key, value in args_1.__dict__.items(): setattr(args, key, value) for key, value in args_2.__dict__.items(): setattr(args, key, value) return args