-, model='claude-2.1', json_object=False, max_tokens=2048, temperature=1.0, max_retry=1, sleep_time=0, tools=[], **kwargs)[source]
Call the Claude API to complete a prompt.
- Parameters:
message (Union[str, list]) – The input message or a list of message dicts.
model (str) – The model to use for completion. Default is “claude-2.1”.
json_object (bool) – Whether to output in JSON format. Default is False.
max_tokens (int) – Maximum number of tokens to generate. Default is 2048.
temperature (float) – Sampling temperature. Default is 1.0.
max_retry (int) – Maximum number of retries in case of an error. Default is 1.
sleep_time (int) – Sleep time between retries in seconds. Default is 0.
tools (list) – List of tools to use for the completion. Default is an empty list.
**kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the API.
- Returns:
The completed text generated by the Claude model.
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – If the completion fails after the maximum number of retries.
-, model='gpt-4-1106-preview', max_tokens=2048, temperature=1.0, max_retry=1, sleep_time=60, json_object=False)[source]
Call the OpenAI API to get the GPT model output for a given prompt.
- Parameters:
message (Union[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]) – The input message or a list of message dicts.
model (str) – The model to use for completion. Default is “gpt-4-1106-preview”.
max_tokens (int) – Maximum number of tokens to generate. Default is 2048.
temperature (float) – Sampling temperature. Default is 1.0.
max_retry (int) – Maximum number of retries in case of an error. Default is 1.
sleep_time (int) – Sleep time between retries in seconds. Default is 60.
json_object (bool) – Whether to output in JSON format. Default is False.
- Returns:
The completed text generated by the GPT model.
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – If the completion fails after the maximum number of retries.
-, model='huggingface/codellama/CodeLlama-7b-hf', max_tokens=2000, temperature=0.5, json_object=False, max_retry=1, sleep_time=0, stop_sequences=[], **kwargs)[source]
Generate text completion using a specified Hugging Face model.
- Parameters:
message (str) – The input text message for completion.
model (str) – The Hugging Face model to use. Default is “huggingface/codellama/CodeLlama-7b-hf”.
max_tokens (int) – The maximum number of tokens to generate. Default is 2000.
temperature (float) – Sampling temperature for generation. Default is 0.5.
json_object (bool) – Whether to format the message for JSON output. Default is False.
max_retry (int) – Maximum number of retries in case of an error. Default is 1.
sleep_time (int) – Sleep time between retries in seconds. Default is 0.
stop_sequences (list) – List of stop sequences to halt the generation.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for the generate function.
- Returns:
The generated text completion.
- Return type:
-, model='text-embedding-ada-002', max_retry=1, sleep_time=0)[source]
Get the OpenAI embedding for a given text.
- Parameters:
text (str) – The input text to be embedded.
model (str) – The model to use for embedding. Default is “text-embedding-ada-002”.
max_retry (int) – Maximum number of retries in case of an error. Default is 1.
sleep_time (int) – Sleep time between retries in seconds. Default is 0.
- Returns:
The embedding of the input text.
- Return type:
-, n_max_nodes=5, model='text-embedding-ada-002')[source]
Get embeddings for a list of texts using OpenAI’s embedding model.
- Parameters:
texts (list) – List of input texts to be embedded.
n_max_nodes (int) – Maximum number of parallel processes. Default is 5.
model (str) – The model to use for embedding. Default is “text-embedding-ada-002”.
- Returns:
A tensor containing embeddings for all input texts.
- Return type: