Source code for

import gzip
import json
import os
import os.path as osp
import pickle
import zipfile
from collections import Counter

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from ogb.utils.url import download_url
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import Union

from stark_qa.skb.knowledge_base import SKB
from import download_hf_file
from import load_files, save_files
from import Node, df_row_to_dict, register_node
from import clean_data, compact_text

    "repo": "snap-stanford/stark",
    "processed": "skb/amazon/",
    "metadata": "skb/amazon/category_list.json"

    'review_header': '',
    'qa_header': ''

[docs]class AmazonSKB(SKB): REVIEW_CATEGORIES = set([ 'Amazon_Fashion', 'All_Beauty', 'Appliances', 'Arts_Crafts_and_Sewing', 'Automotive', 'Books', 'CDs_and_Vinyl', 'Cell_Phones_and_Accessories', 'Clothing_Shoes_and_Jewelry', 'Digital_Music', 'Electronics', 'Gift_Cards', 'Grocery_and_Gourmet_Food', 'Home_and_Kitchen', 'Industrial_and_Scientific', 'Kindle_Store', 'Luxury_Beauty', 'Magazine_Subscriptions', 'Movies_and_TV', 'Musical_Instruments', 'Office_Products', 'Patio_Lawn_and_Garden', 'Pet_Supplies', 'Prime_Pantry', 'Software', 'Sports_and_Outdoors', 'Tools_and_Home_Improvement', 'Toys_and_Games', 'Video_Games' ]) QA_CATEGORIES = set([ 'Appliances', 'Arts_Crafts_and_Sewing', 'Automotive', 'Baby', 'Beauty', 'Cell_Phones_and_Accessories', 'Clothing_Shoes_and_Jewelry', 'Electronics', 'Grocery_and_Gourmet_Food', 'Health_and_Personal_Care', 'Home_and_Kitchen', 'Musical_Instruments', 'Office_Products', 'Patio_Lawn_and_Garden', 'Pet_Supplies', 'Sports_and_Outdoors', 'Tools_and_Home_Improvement', 'Toys_and_Games', 'Video_Games' ]) COMMON = set([ 'Appliances', 'Arts_Crafts_and_Sewing', 'Automotive', 'Cell_Phones_and_Accessories', 'Clothing_Shoes_and_Jewelry', 'Electronics', 'Grocery_and_Gourmet_Food', 'Home_and_Kitchen', 'Musical_Instruments', 'Office_Products', 'Patio_Lawn_and_Garden', 'Pet_Supplies', 'Sports_and_Outdoors', 'Tools_and_Home_Improvement', 'Toys_and_Games', 'Video_Games' ]) link_columns = ['also_buy', 'also_view'] review_columns = [ 'reviewerID', 'summary', 'style', 'reviewText', 'vote', 'overall', 'verified', 'reviewTime' ] qa_columns = [ 'questionType', 'answerType', 'question', 'answer', 'answerTime' ] meta_columns = [ 'asin', 'title', 'global_category', 'category', 'price', 'brand', 'feature', 'rank', 'details', 'description' ] candidate_types = ['product'] node_attr_dict = { 'product': ['title', 'dimensions', 'weight', 'description', 'features', 'reviews', 'Q&A'], 'brand': ['brand_name'], 'category': ['category_name'], 'color': ['color_name'] } def __init__(self, root: Union[str, None] = None, categories: list = ['Sports_and_Outdoors'], meta_link_types: list = ['brand', 'category', 'color'], max_entries: int = 25, download_processed: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Initialize the AmazonSKB class. Args: root (Union[str, None]): Root directory to store the dataset. If None, default HF cache paths will be used. categories (list): Product categories. meta_link_types (list): A list of entries in node info that are used to construct meta links. max_entries (int): Maximum number of review & QA entries to show in the description. download_processed (bool): Whether to download the processed data. """ self.root = root self.max_entries = max_entries if download_processed: if (self.root is None) or ( self.root is not None and not osp.exists(osp.join(self.root, "category_list.json")) ): sub_category_path = osp.join(self.root, "category_list.json") if self.root is not None else None self.sub_category_path = download_hf_file( DATASET["repo"], DATASET["metadata"], repo_type="dataset", save_as_file=sub_category_path, ) if (self.root is None) or ( self.root is not None and meta_link_types is not None and not osp.exists( osp.join( self.root, "processed", "cache", "-".join(meta_link_types), "node_info.pkl", ) ) ): processed_path = hf_hub_download( DATASET["repo"], DATASET["processed"], repo_type="dataset" ) if self.root is None: self.root = osp.dirname(processed_path) if not osp.exists( osp.join( self.root, "processed", "cache", "-".join(meta_link_types), "node_info.pkl", )): with zipfile.ZipFile(processed_path, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(path=self.root) print(f"Extracting downloaded processed data to {self.root}") self.raw_data_dir = osp.join(self.root, "raw") self.processed_data_dir = osp.join(osp.join(self.root, "processed")) os.makedirs(self.raw_data_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.processed_data_dir, exist_ok=True) cache_path = None if meta_link_types is None else osp.join(self.processed_data_dir, 'cache', '-'.join(meta_link_types)) if cache_path is not None and osp.exists(cache_path): print(f"Loading from {self.processed_data_dir}!") print(f'Loading cached graph with meta link types {meta_link_types}') processed_data = load_files(cache_path) else: print('Start processing raw data...') print(f'{meta_link_types=}') processed_data = self._process_raw(categories) if meta_link_types: processed_data = self.post_process(processed_data, meta_link_types=meta_link_types, cache_path=cache_path) super(AmazonSKB, self).__init__(**processed_data, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Node: """ Get the node at the specified index. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. Returns: Node: The node at the specified index. """ idx = int(idx) node_info = self.node_info[idx] node = Node() register_node(node, node_info) return node
[docs] def get_chunk_info(self, idx: int, attribute: str) -> str: """ Get chunk information for the specified attribute. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. attribute (str): Attribute to get chunk information for. Returns: str: Chunk information. """ if not hasattr(self[idx], attribute): return '' node_attr = getattr(self[idx], attribute) if 'feature' in attribute: features = [feature for feature in node_attr if feature and 'asin' not in feature.lower()] chunk = ' '.join(features) elif 'review' in attribute: chunk = '' if node_attr: scores = [0 if pd.isnull(review['vote']) else int(review['vote'].replace(",", "")) for review in node_attr] ranks = np.argsort(-np.array(scores)) for idx, review_idx in enumerate(ranks): review = node_attr[review_idx] chunk += f'The review "{review["summary"]}" states that "{review["reviewText"]}". ' if idx > self.max_entries: break elif 'qa' in attribute: chunk = '' if node_attr: for idx, question in enumerate(node_attr): chunk += f'The question is "{question["question"]}", and the answer is "{question["answer"]}". ' if idx > self.max_entries: break elif 'description' in attribute and node_attr: chunk = " ".join(node_attr) else: chunk = node_attr return chunk
[docs] def get_doc_info(self, idx: int, add_rel: bool = True, compact: bool = False) -> str: """ Get document information for the specified node. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. add_rel (bool): Whether to add relationship information. compact (bool): Whether to compact the text. Returns: str: Document information. """ if self.node_type_dict[int(self.node_types[idx])] == 'brand': return f'brand name: {self[idx].brand_name}' if self.node_type_dict[int(self.node_types[idx])] == 'category': return f'category name: {self[idx].category_name}' if self.node_type_dict[int(self.node_types[idx])] == 'color': return f'color name: {self[idx].color_name}' node = self[idx] doc = f'- product: {node.title}\n' if hasattr(node, 'brand'): doc += f'- brand: {node.brand}\n' try: dimensions, weight = node.details.dictionary.product_dimensions.split(' ; ') doc += f'- dimensions: {dimensions}\n- weight: {weight}\n' except: pass if node.description: description = " ".join(node.description).strip(" ") if description: doc += f'- description: {description}\n' feature_text = '- features: \n' if node.feature: for feature_idx, feature in enumerate(node.feature): if feature and 'asin' not in feature.lower(): feature_text += f'#{feature_idx + 1}: {feature}\n' else: feature_text = '' if review_text = '- reviews: \n' scores = [0 if pd.isnull(review['vote']) else int(review['vote'].replace(",", "")) for review in] ranks = np.argsort(-np.array(scores)) for i, review_idx in enumerate(ranks): review =[review_idx] review_text += f'#{review_idx + 1}:\nsummary: {review["summary"]}\ntext: "{review["reviewText"]}"\n' if i > self.max_entries: break else: review_text = '' if qa_text = '- Q&A: \n' for qa_idx, qa in enumerate( qa_text += f'#{qa_idx + 1}:\nquestion: "{qa["question"]}"\nanswer: "{qa["answer"]}"\n' if qa_idx > self.max_entries: break else: qa_text = '' doc += feature_text + review_text + qa_text if add_rel: doc += self.get_rel_info(idx) if compact: doc = compact_text(doc) return doc
[docs] def get_rel_info(self, idx: int, rel_types: Union[list, None] = None, n_rel: int = -1) -> str: """ Get relation information for the specified node. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. rel_types (Union[list, None]): List of relation types or None if all relation types are included. n_rel (int): Number of relations. Default is -1 if all relations are included. Returns: doc (str): Relation information. """ doc = '' rel_types = self.rel_type_lst() if rel_types is None else rel_types n_also_buy = self.get_neighbor_nodes(idx, 'also_buy') n_also_view = self.get_neighbor_nodes(idx, 'also_view') n_has_brand = self.get_neighbor_nodes(idx, 'has_brand') str_also_buy = [f"#{idx + 1}: " + self[i].title + '\n' for idx, i in enumerate(n_also_buy)] str_also_view = [f"#{idx + 1}: " + self[i].title + '\n' for idx, i in enumerate(n_also_view)] if n_rel > 0: str_also_buy = str_also_buy[:n_rel] str_also_view = str_also_view[:n_rel] if not str_also_buy: str_also_buy = '' if not str_also_view: str_also_view = '' str_has_brand = '' if n_has_brand: str_has_brand = f' brand: {self[n_has_brand[0]].brand_name}\n' str_also_buy = ''.join(str_also_buy) str_also_view = ''.join(str_also_view) if str_also_buy: doc += f' products also purchased: \n{str_also_buy}' if str_also_view: doc += f' products also viewed: \n{str_also_view}' if n_has_brand: doc += str_has_brand if doc: doc = '- relations:\n' + doc return doc
def _process_raw(self, categories: list) -> dict: """ Process raw data to construct the knowledge base. Args: categories (list): List of categories to process. Returns: dict: Processed data. """ if 'all' in categories: review_categories = self.REVIEW_CATEGORIES qa_categories = self.QA_CATEGORIES else: qa_categories = review_categories = categories assert not set(categories) - self.COMMON, 'invalid categories exist' if osp.exists(osp.join(self.processed_data_dir, 'node_info.pkl')): print(f'Load processed data from {self.processed_data_dir}') loaded_files = load_files(self.processed_data_dir) loaded_files.update({ 'node_types': torch.zeros(len(loaded_files['node_info'])), 'node_type_dict': {0: 'product'} }) return loaded_files print('Check data downloading...') for category in review_categories: review_header = RAW_DATA_HEADER['review_header'] if not os.path.exists(osp.join(self.raw_data_dir, f'{category}.json.gz')): print(f'Downloading {category} data...') download_url(f'{review_header}/categoryFiles/{category}.json.gz', self.raw_data_dir) download_url(f'{review_header}/metaFiles2/meta_{category}.json.gz', self.raw_data_dir) for category in qa_categories: qa_header = RAW_DATA_HEADER['qa_header'] if not os.path.exists(osp.join(self.raw_data_dir, f'qa_{category}.json.gz')): print(f'Downloading {category} QA data...') download_url(f'{qa_header}/qa_{category}.json.gz', self.raw_data_dir) if not osp.exists(osp.join(self.processed_data_dir, 'node_info.pkl')): ckt_path = osp.join(self.root, 'intermediate') os.makedirs(ckt_path, exist_ok=True) print('Loading data... It might take a while') df_qa_path = os.path.join(ckt_path, 'df_qa.pkl') if os.path.exists(df_qa_path): df_qa = pd.read_pickle(df_qa_path) else: df_qa = pd.concat([ read_qa(osp.join(self.raw_data_dir, f'qa_{category}.json.gz')) for category in qa_categories ])[['asin'] + self.qa_columns] df_qa.to_pickle(df_qa_path) print('df_qa loaded') df_review_path = os.path.join(ckt_path, 'df_review.pkl') if os.path.exists(df_review_path): df_review = pd.read_pickle(df_review_path) else: df_review = pd.concat([ read_review(osp.join(self.raw_data_dir, f'{category}.json.gz')) for category in review_categories ])[['asin'] + self.review_columns] df_review.to_pickle(df_review_path) print('df_review loaded') df_ucsd_meta_path = os.path.join(ckt_path, 'df_ucsd_meta.pkl') if os.path.exists(df_ucsd_meta_path): df_ucsd_meta = pd.read_pickle(df_ucsd_meta_path) else: meta_df_lst = [] for category in review_categories: cat_review = read_review(osp.join(self.raw_data_dir, f'meta_{category}.json.gz')) cat_review.insert(0, 'global_category', category.replace('_', ' ')) meta_df_lst.append(cat_review) df_ucsd_meta = pd.concat(meta_df_lst) df_ucsd_meta.to_pickle(df_ucsd_meta_path) print('df_ucsd_meta loaded') print('Preprocessing data...') df_ucsd_meta = df_ucsd_meta.drop_duplicates(subset='asin', keep='first') df_meta = df_ucsd_meta[self.meta_columns + self.link_columns] df_review_meta = df_review.merge(df_meta, left_on='asin', right_on='asin') unique_asin = np.unique(np.array(df_review_meta['asin'])) df_qa_reduced = df_qa[df_qa['asin'].isin(unique_asin)] df_review_reduced = df_review[df_review['asin'].isin(unique_asin)] df_meta_reduced = df_meta[df_meta['asin'].isin(unique_asin)].reset_index() def get_map(df): asin2id, id2asin = {}, {} for idx in range(len(df)): asin2id[df['asin'][idx]] = idx id2asin[idx] = df['asin'][idx] return asin2id, id2asin print('Construct node info and graph...') self.asin2id, self.id2asin = get_map(df_meta_reduced) node_info = self.construct_raw_node_info(df_meta_reduced, df_review_reduced, df_qa_reduced) edge_index, edge_types = self.create_raw_product_graph(df_meta_reduced, columns=self.link_columns) edge_type_dict = {0: 'also_buy', 1: 'also_view'} processed_data = { 'node_info': node_info, 'edge_index': edge_index, 'edge_types': edge_types, 'edge_type_dict': edge_type_dict } print(f'Saving to {self.processed_data_dir}...') save_files(save_path=self.processed_data_dir, **processed_data) processed_data.update({ 'node_types': torch.zeros(len(processed_data['node_info'])), 'node_type_dict': {0: 'product'} }) return processed_data
[docs] def post_process(self, raw_info: dict, meta_link_types: list, cache_path: str = None) -> dict: """ Post-process the raw information to add meta link types. Args: raw_info (dict): Raw information. meta_link_types (list): List of meta link types to add. cache_path (str): Path to cache the processed data. Returns: dict: Post-processed data. """ print(f'Adding meta link types {meta_link_types}') node_info = raw_info['node_info'] edge_type_dict = raw_info['edge_type_dict'] node_type_dict = raw_info['node_type_dict'] node_types = raw_info['node_types'].tolist() edge_index = raw_info['edge_index'].tolist() edge_types = raw_info['edge_types'].tolist() n_e_types, n_n_types = len(edge_type_dict), len(node_type_dict) for i, link_type in enumerate(meta_link_types): if link_type == 'brand': values = np.array([node_info_i[link_type] for node_info_i in node_info.values() if link_type in node_info_i.keys()]) indices = np.array([idx for idx, node_info_i in enumerate(node_info.values()) if link_type in node_info_i.keys()]) elif link_type in ['category', 'color']: value_list, indice_list = [], [] for idx, node_info_i in enumerate(node_info.values()): if link_type in node_info_i.keys(): value_list.extend(node_info_i[link_type]) indice_list.extend([idx for _ in range(len(node_info_i[link_type]))]) values, indices = np.array(value_list), np.array(indice_list) else: raise Exception(f'Invalid meta link type {link_type}') cur_n_nodes = len(node_info) node_type_dict[n_n_types + i] = link_type edge_type_dict[n_e_types + i] = "has_" + link_type unique = np.unique(values) for j, unique_j in tqdm(enumerate(unique)): node_info[cur_n_nodes + j] = {link_type + '_name': unique_j} ids = indices[np.array(values == unique_j)] edge_index[0].extend(ids.tolist()) edge_index[1].extend([cur_n_nodes + j for _ in range(len(ids))]) edge_types.extend([i + n_e_types for _ in range(len(ids))]) node_types.extend([n_n_types + i for _ in range(len(unique))]) print(f'finished adding {link_type}') edge_index = torch.LongTensor(edge_index) edge_types = torch.LongTensor(edge_types) node_types = torch.LongTensor(node_types) files = { 'node_info': node_info, 'edge_index': edge_index, 'edge_types': edge_types, 'edge_type_dict': edge_type_dict, 'node_type_dict': node_type_dict, 'node_types': node_types } if cache_path is not None: save_files(cache_path, **files) return files
def _process_brand(self, brand: str) -> str: """ Process brand names to remove unnecessary characters. Args: brand (str): Brand name. Returns: str: Processed brand name. """ brand = brand.strip(" \".*+,-_!@#$%^&*();\/|<>\'\t\n\r\\") if brand.startswith('by '): brand = brand[3:] if brand.endswith('.com'): brand = brand[:-4] if brand.startswith('www.'): brand = brand[4:] if len(brand) > 100: brand = brand.split(' ')[0] return brand
[docs] def construct_raw_node_info(self, df_meta: pd.DataFrame, df_review: pd.DataFrame, df_qa: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: """ Construct raw node information. Args: df_meta (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing meta information. df_review (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing review information. df_qa (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing QA information. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing node information. """ node_info = {idx: {'review': [], 'qa': []} for idx in range(len(df_meta))} ###################### Assign color ######################## def assign_colors(df_review, lower_limit=20): # asign to color df_review = df_review[['asin', 'style']] df_review = df_review.dropna(subset=['style']) raw_color_dict = {} for idx, row in tqdm(df_review.iterrows()): asin, style = row['asin'], row['style'] for key in style.keys(): if 'color' in key.lower(): try: raw_color_dict[asin] except: raw_color_dict[asin] = [] raw_color_dict[asin].append( style[key].strip().lower() if isinstance(style[key], str) else style[key][0].strip()) all_color_values = [] for asin in raw_color_dict.keys(): raw_color_dict[asin] = list(set(raw_color_dict[asin])) all_color_values.extend(raw_color_dict[asin]) print('number of all colors', len(all_color_values)) color_counter = Counter(all_color_values) print('number of unique colors', len(color_counter)) color_counter = {k: v for k, v in sorted(color_counter.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)} selected_colors = [] for color, number in color_counter.items(): if number > lower_limit and len(color) > 2 and len(color.split(' ')) < 5 and color.isnumeric() is False: selected_colors.append(color) print('number of selected colors', len(selected_colors)) filtered_color_dict = {} total_color_connections = 0 for asin in raw_color_dict.keys(): filtered_color_dict[asin] = [] for value in raw_color_dict[asin]: if value in selected_colors: filtered_color_dict[asin].append(value) total_color_connections += len(filtered_color_dict[asin]) print('number of linked products', len(filtered_color_dict)) print('number of total connections', total_color_connections) return filtered_color_dict filtered_color_dict_path = os.path.join(self.root, 'intermediate', 'filtered_color_dict.pkl') if os.path.exists(filtered_color_dict_path): with open(filtered_color_dict_path, 'rb') as f: filtered_color_dict = pickle.load(f) else: filtered_color_dict = assign_colors(df_review) with open(filtered_color_dict_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(filtered_color_dict, f) for df_meta_i in tqdm(df_meta.itertuples()): asin = df_meta_i.asin idx = self.asin2id[asin] if asin in filtered_color_dict and filtered_color_dict[asin]: node_info[idx]['color'] = filtered_color_dict[asin] ###################### Assign brand and category ######################## sub_categories = set(json.load(open(self.sub_category_path, 'r'))) for df_meta_i in tqdm(df_meta.itertuples()): asin = df_meta_i.asin idx = self.asin2id[asin] for column in self.meta_columns: if column == 'brand': brand = self._process_brand(clean_data(getattr(df_meta_i, column))) if brand: node_info[idx]['brand'] = brand elif column == 'category': category_list = [ category.lower() for category in getattr(df_meta_i, column) if category.lower() in sub_categories ] if category_list: node_info[idx]['category'] = category_list else: node_info[idx][column] = clean_data(getattr(df_meta_i, column)) ###################### Process review and QA ######################## for name, df, colunm_names in zip(['review', 'qa'], [df_review, df_qa], [self.review_columns, self.qa_columns]): for i in tqdm(range(len(df))): df_i = df.iloc[i] asin = df_i['asin'] idx = self.asin2id[asin] node_info[idx][name].append(df_row_to_dict(df_i, colunm_names)) return node_info
[docs] def create_raw_product_graph(self, df: pd.DataFrame, columns: list) -> tuple: """ Create raw product graph. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing meta information. columns (list): List of columns to create edges. Returns: tuple: Tuple containing edge index and edge types. """ edge_types = [] edge_index = [[], []] for df_i in df.itertuples(): out_node = self.asin2id[df_i.asin] for edge_type_id, edge_type in enumerate(columns): if isinstance(getattr(df_i, edge_type), list): in_nodes = [self.asin2id[i] for i in getattr(df_i, edge_type) if i in self.asin2id] edge_types.extend([edge_type_id] * len(in_nodes)) edge_index[0].extend([out_node] * len(in_nodes)) edge_index[1].extend(in_nodes) return torch.LongTensor(edge_index), torch.LongTensor(edge_types)
[docs] def has_brand(self, idx: int, brand: str) -> bool: """ Check if the node has the specified brand. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. brand (str): Brand name. Returns: bool: Whether the node has the specified brand. """ try: b = self[idx].brand if b.endswith('.com'): b = b[:-4] if brand.endswith('.com'): brand = brand[:-4] return b.lower().strip("\"") == brand.lower().strip("\"") except: return False
[docs] def has_also_buy(self, idx: int, also_buy_item: int) -> bool: """ Check if the node has the specified also_buy item. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. also_buy_item (int): Item to check. Returns: bool: Whether the node has the specified also_buy item. """ try: also_buy_lst = self.get_neighbor_nodes(idx, 'also_buy') return also_buy_item in also_buy_lst except: return False
[docs] def has_also_view(self, idx: int, also_view_item: int) -> bool: """ Check if the node has the specified also_view item. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. also_view_item (int): Item to check. Returns: bool: Whether the node has the specified also_view item. """ try: also_view_lst = self.get_neighbor_nodes(idx, 'also_view') return also_view_item in also_view_lst except: return False
[docs]def read_review(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read and parse review files. Args: path (str): Path to the review file. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the reviews. """ def parse(path: str): with, 'rb') as g: for l in g: yield json.loads(l) def getDF(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: df = {} for i, d in enumerate(parse(path)): df[i] = d return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df, orient='index') return getDF(path)
[docs]def read_qa(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read and parse QA files. Args: path (str): Path to the QA file. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the QA data. """ def parse(path: str): with, 'rb') as g: for l in g: yield eval(l) def getDF(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: df = {} for i, d in enumerate(parse(path)): df[i] = d return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df, orient='index') return getDF(path)